Wednesday 18 November 2015

Returning to Malaysia

After several trips and upon completion of the pipe spool installation with diving operation, finally I fly back to Malaysia for good for sometime.

Within one month upon returning to Malaysia I got an office base HSE Engineer job. For this tack I'm responsible for developing procedure, site inspection and manage HSE Statistic monthly. I found that working in office base also a good opportunity to learn  on dealing with Client directly to fulfill their requirement.

Of course always must be ready before hand for providing Client with the document that they required especially during the weekly meeting.

Getting report from offshore also proof to be a challenging task since unstable internet connection at offshore to be specific in the barge. Nevertheless report tracking must be properly tracked, analyzed recorded and lastly presented to the Client.

Performing site inspection/audit also part and partial of this job function. So, I did traveled to the base and conduct the inspection and audit. The format more or less almost the same anywhere and to include Health, Safety, Security and Environment aspect in the inspection/audit checklist.

Back in the office other function that HSE need to cover is compiling and producing the HSE bulletin on monthly basis. HSE need to get data from all parties including office staff and operation staff on any HSE concern which need to be highlighted in the bulletin

As the time pass by, the job sequence and routine goes on cycle and ongoing, daily, weekly and monthly onward.

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