Wednesday 18 November 2015

Returning to Malaysia

After several trips and upon completion of the pipe spool installation with diving operation, finally I fly back to Malaysia for good for sometime.

Within one month upon returning to Malaysia I got an office base HSE Engineer job. For this tack I'm responsible for developing procedure, site inspection and manage HSE Statistic monthly. I found that working in office base also a good opportunity to learn  on dealing with Client directly to fulfill their requirement.

Of course always must be ready before hand for providing Client with the document that they required especially during the weekly meeting.

Getting report from offshore also proof to be a challenging task since unstable internet connection at offshore to be specific in the barge. Nevertheless report tracking must be properly tracked, analyzed recorded and lastly presented to the Client.

Performing site inspection/audit also part and partial of this job function. So, I did traveled to the base and conduct the inspection and audit. The format more or less almost the same anywhere and to include Health, Safety, Security and Environment aspect in the inspection/audit checklist.

Back in the office other function that HSE need to cover is compiling and producing the HSE bulletin on monthly basis. HSE need to get data from all parties including office staff and operation staff on any HSE concern which need to be highlighted in the bulletin

As the time pass by, the job sequence and routine goes on cycle and ongoing, daily, weekly and monthly onward.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Back to Qatar

Once my job onboard Sanko Angel completed, I received an email offering a job at Qatar. The job again involves Diving Operation.

The beauty of middle east country is most of them can be entered with VOA (Visa On Arrival) applicable to Malaysian but not so sure about other countries.

This time around in Qatar, I joined the Diving Support Vessel (DSV) Seamec Princess as per photo

The job I'm involved is series of pipe spool installation around Qatar Petroleum offshore platform. The diving operation totally only engage Saturation Diving and no air diving involved. Basically on board the diving support vessel there are systems of equipment that support the saturation diving operation. In saturation diving, the divers live in a pressurized environment, which can be a saturation system or "saturation spread", a hyperbaric environment on the surface, or an ambient pressure underwater habitat. This may be maintained for up to several weeks, and they are decompressed to surface pressure only once, at the end of their tour of duty. By limiting the number of decompressions in this way, the risk of decompression sickness is significantly reduced. Some photos of chamber system attached herewith;

As the HSE in this kind of operation,  brief understanding on the diving procedure is required. HSE will assist the diving operation in term of the health and safety aspect of the diver. Most important actually the diving support operation i.e the rigging up and lowering down equipment and tools to the diver and job sequence.

During the entire job, I faced one incident whereby the diver not releasing one sling from the pipe spool (sample as per photo).

This causing the spool twisted when the crane lift up its block to surface not knowing that that single sling is still attached to the very pipe spool. Even the vessel also jerking due to the momentum of the stuck crane lifting movement. Luckily  no injuries suffered but we experienced downtime due to the damaged spool which need to be sent to shore for repair and rework.

HSE with other team onboard come out with the investigation and carry out the corrective and preventive action to avoid recurrent of such event.

Its is always proper coordination that can prevent untoward incident in any kind of operation, and to achieve that requires all parties involves ultimate cooperation and mutual understanding.