Monday 20 April 2015

HSE for Topside Maintenance

Hello Again

Previously I have explained on the various scope of offshore job.

This time around, I will go further into detail of Topside Maintenance job which also known as TSM or TMM  Topside Major Maintenance.

By the name it should be clear that work involves only from Sea Deck or sometime known as Spider Deck, the lowest deck which is above sea water. Anything below water will not covered in TMM campaign and being taken care by the diver another scope of work anyway.

The major job on TMM is basically in favour to cosmetic appearance of the top side/platform which deteriorated in due time. The whole structure of the topside will undergo grit blasting process. The process utilizing specialized environmental friendly grit which is look exactly like the sand but purple in colour. The grit blasting process will remove those old paint marks and any corrosion from the metal.  Then, primer and final coating will be part of the painting process to ensure prolong life/integrity of the topside and off course look as very nice standing structure above the sea.

Apart from that, the job also including changing instrumentation, tubing, handrail, grating,  pipe or any other item as part of process to ensure their performance integrity. I was also involved in the process of changing old helideck timber to set of new timber.

Well, what is the HSE function in Topside Maintenance Scope. The Safety Officer will be in charged of ensuring safe planning, preparation, execution and completion of the job that being carried out to accomplish the campaign.

The most important thing is to ensure every job issued with valid permit before it can be carried out. The platform most senior in charge known as OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) will be the final approver of the PTW (Permit to Work)

The most important job that need to be really taken care on the safety is the Hot Work job which involves spark generated task i.e Welding, Grinding etc. The job area atop, underneath and surrounding shall be flammable gas free and also free from combustible material. The AGT (Authorised Gas Tester) will come and check any reading of flammable gas within the area. If the hot work being carried out and with even small portion of flammable gas exist, the risk of explosion and fire is just around the corner. Therefore, Safety Office will work closely with AGT in this particular activity.

Other than that, other job such as rigging, lifting and scaffolding also will be governed by PTW under  Cold Work category.

Safety Officer will monitor and walk round the work area to give advice on the safe way to perform the job. To achieve this the Safety Officer must have exposure and experience.

The routine of the day will begin with General Tool Box Talk (general safety briefing) and everyone must attend this briefing as it is mandatory requirement. From Safety Officer, OIM, Offshore Construction Superintendant and Discipline Supervisor will give talk and briefly explain on their planned activity for the day.

Subsequently, group toolbox talk which is specific to the task will be held and all involve personnel shall attend, listen, participate and can voice out their comment before sign off the JSA (Job Safety analysis) or JHA (Job Hazard Analysis) and at some company it is known as TRA (Task Risk Assessment)

After that only the job can proceed with the PTW in place and the Supervisors with helpful and

handful hand of Safety Officer will ensure the job being performed safely.

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