Sunday 31 May 2015

Towing and Installation HSE 1

When I was still attached to the Refinery Construction, I received an offer to join oversea job. This is an opportunity of a life time. I decide to grab it.

The Refinery company actually quite reluctant to let me go, they even assigned me to visit their site at Labuan for two weeks prior they release me for the oversea job to handle DOSH visit to the site if happen that DOSH officer do visit the site.

Off course basic requirement for oversea is one must have International Passport and I proceed to prepare that, thanks God Malaysian Immigration Department can process it within a day, so I managed to handle it in time.

Depend on the country that the project will be carried out, Visa may be be compulsory and required. Some job also requires one to have Seaman Book in hand so the hiring company can apply for Seaman Visa in case situation or job condition requires it.

For this job, actually the project is somewhere in middle east so as Malaysian we have priority and only Visa On Arrival (VOA) imposed to us. Therefore no need to apply Visa prior travel.

After the recruitment process completed then I set out to fly to middle east and finally reach there. I was assigned on board the  Work Barge . There are a lot of preparation required before the barge being given the green light to go to the offshore field. A lot of HSE Audit going on and training also took place for the crew.

The fire and alarm system being audited and tested to ensure functionality and crew training matrix being revised and any gaps shall be closed prior joining the project. Myself also need to undergo an interview session with the Client to ensure I have the capability to carry out the HSE function on board.

For sharing purposes, offshore field that produced Gas, usually linked to the H2S. Even though the crew have their H2S training in hand, but the Client required them to undergo training at  Local Training Center. Other than that Scaffolding training also shall follow local standard as well.

Since the barge is brand new the diving shack also need to be installed. Towing and Installation (TnI) job scope involve divers to install the clamp on the jacket leg. A lot of modification work on the deck which need to be properly monitored. Hot work on the deck is serious issue especially if oil or paint storage tank is nearby underneath the hot work area. The Hot Work at such area can only be carried out if permitted by the Barge Master.

For sharing as well, since the work barge is not self propelled, need to be towed in order to move, work on the concrete dead man positioning anchor and the buoy also need to be completed before proceed to the field.

Since H2S is the imminent at offshore field the Client impose a very stringent requirement which is to install cascade system for H2S on board. The cascade system work as the breathing air supplier on board in case any H2S leakage cases. HSE need to ensure all personnel on board issued with  the  H2S escape set  and also ensure place where there are always manning available such as dive shack (cabin), crane operator cabin, engine room, supply tug/anchor tug and bridge/wheel house also supplied with sufficient number of Escape set. The escape set is specially designed to have the piggy back which can be attached to the cascade system to ensure continuous breathing air supply until barge away from the H2S area or rescue is in place.

For H2S purpose as well, our company is compulsory to hire H2S technician on board to monitor the cascade system and the H2S detector. This is to ensure the system and the detector functioning as it should.

After all preparation is in place, the Client representative pay a visit to the barge and officially release the barge to sail offshore to the field.

Monday 25 May 2015

Refinery Construction HSE

Hello All

April is my busy month as I 'm working hard to prepare program and other arranegments for my company to organize HSE engagement with Client.

I n last blog, I have shared on Top side Maintenance HSE aspect. My sharing is just partial of the process, kinda hints for learning on the scope. Nevertheless I hope that it should be helpful for those interested  to know.

After a while within the topside maintenance scope I decide to move on and stepping in something new as a career advancement as well knowledge attainment. My wish comes true as one of onshore Oil and Gas construction company call me in for walk in interview.

I braced myself for the interview and manage to secure the post and I was appointed to become an in charge for refinery construction project at Terengganu area. 

When you deal with onshore then you have to consider a lot of arrangement with the local Authority such as Immigration Department for foreign workers, Traffic police for the transportation, Deprtment of Environment on control of effluent and Mineral Department for any kind of excavation or removal of soil to name a few.

This mean as a focal point for HSSE, Health, Safety, Security and Environment all above had to be taken into account accordingly to ensure smooth construction progress.

Even though the scope is construction which is not yet deal with live plant, the activities such as heavy lifting, hot work, heavy equipment installation an other s still exposing workers and other staff to imminent hazard and risk.

Besides, HSSE also must be alert on all ongoing activities around the vast construction area, in my case there are about 25 huge storage tank being constructed within the area, walking around the area can suck all of the energy, normally company will provide bicycle or four wheel vehicle as the means of transportation.

HSSE also must be keen on the cranes and air compressor operated within the construction area in order to keep their "PMA" and "PMT" is valid all time. Otherwise this will become problem whenever DOSH officer visit the site for inspection. To know further on this, please visit  PMA, PMT DOSH for more information.

For me the big issue within onshore construction is "theft" problem. Off course theft happen anywhere but due to large storage of unused and brand new cable and a lot of metal junk, a lot of people wanna make money out of it. Every now and then I have to deal with this, report the case to the Project Manager and the Police of course. Sometime the situation become very much tricky when "insider" etc. Therefore HSSE have to be very careful on this matter.

HSSE also must organized their own meeting to ensure all program achieved and any KPI or any deliverable shall be discussed and highlighted to Project Management.

Again the Permit to Work must atop of any activities to ensure proper coordination and control.

Many times,  those critical lifting involves  furnace or  Flare Satck require  Tandem Lifting . These activities are critical to monitor and must have the priority above all other activities.

One of the most interesting part during my involvement in refinery construction is during the tank insulation process where the whole tank need to be insulated and the process where a vendor install anti leak t the bottom of the holding ponds to avoid contaminants sip through the soil. Maybe there is new technology being used currently to replace that process.

Well, I'm in the midst of preparing monthly reports to our Client and will chair the monthly HSE meeting this Thursday, so this is what I can share this time.